our last hypnobabies class a few weeks ago was particularly inspiring for me. we talked about all of the last minute details we'll want to know prior to our baby's birthdays. all the medical terms to be familiar with and a lot about newborn and postpartum care. and our instructor answered a myriad of questions us first-time moms and dads had about the birth process and recovery.
i believe strongly in all of our abilities to create the experiences we want in life. how to be prepared for lots of contrast and learn to make lemonade where lemons keep popping up left and right. something we've become very familiar with in our home these last couple months especially. something my very strong mother has shown me through her response to her trials.
the last message our awesome teacher
kim left us with moved the whole room to tears...here's a brief snippet, i've been replaying it in my head ever since.
it's called, shifting the paradigm of "what if?!"
we need to shift the paradigm , instead of thinking "what if?!" in fearful ways before birth- "what if i need to transfer?" "what if my pain is so terrible?" "what if i lose control?" "what if there are complications?" and so on...
why not think "what if?!" in powerful ways- "what if i have the most beautiful experience of my life?" "what if i could actually feel a wet, mewing baby on my belly just after birth-and fall in love with that feeling forever?" "what if my baby never feels anything in her first moments other than my body, and my love?" "what if my birth is the most loving, sweet and gentle memory of my life?" "what if..."
by leilah mccracken
each birth experience is so unique, why not choose to use our "what if's" to feel strong and safe in the process. who ever said feeling good about it would be harmful?