Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A little under the weather.

It's been busy around here.  I've had friends visiting for the last week, we had such a nice time while they were here.  We love having company.  I have a bunch of photos to share but as of late...I'm totally under the weather.  Nothing big, a cold, no voice and achy all over but it is a pain.  So I'm taking it easy until I recoup.  Little miss and the Mr. are on a walk so I can sit down and veg before bedtime.  They had dinner already, I just don't have much of an appetite. 

I tried (no dice) to capture a photo of our little one's newest milestone...2 teeth and one on the way.  Yep, it happened and all in a matter of 2 weeks.  They were sleepless for everyone.  Those two little teeth are quite cute.  To my delightful surprise, someone loves brushing her teeth; so much that when I stop, she throws a tantrum.  It's pretty funny to see her run down the hall when we say, "Time to brush your teeth!"  I'm thrilled.

Days have been mellow around here.  Watching way more cartoons than we approve of, as a means to get more rest.  I haven't had a voice so reading out loud is out of the question.  We flip through the pages and she points out her favorite characters.  I smile and nod.  We stack blocks.  Eat lunch. Change scenes to another room to fold (in her case, throw) laundry, followed by diaper changes and more house work.  I tell you it's a regular party around here.

The biggest excitement, aside from teeth and brushing of said teeth, have been lots of new words developing. 
Our current favorites: 
"Ohlala"- Olivia (her plush pink pig) and "bye bye, lo ou"- bye bye, I love you.

Kevin has been taking very good care of us and crossing lots of "to do's" off the list of fix-it projects I have for him.  He's taken over the domestic care quite well while I lay low.

I hope your week is shaping up to be more exciting than ours.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Mr. is 30! (a month ago already)

Birthday breakfast.

I had to.  He's been razzing me for months.

I'm behind on posting photos but I wanted to remember this special day.  We celebrated with a tasty breakfast at home.  Kevin's very favorite meal.  Since his birthday is just two days after Christmas, his parents were in town; they kindly watched little miss so we could get dressed up and have a date night out.  A steak dinner at The Phoenician was the surprise splurge I had in store for my special guy.  That is the only thing he asked for and you only turn 30 once.  I have a feeling we might ignore the next years on milestone birthdays. (wink)  It was so luxurious to sit, relax and dine.  We soaked in the beautiful view of Camelback Mountain, not too shabby.

Kevin, I have known you since you were seventeen and life with you, just keeps getting better.  I hope your 30th was memorable and happy.  I love you, endlessly.  You are an extraordinary husband and father.  Thank you for all you do for our family.


Enjoying a cup o' Joe with some LOVE cookies.

I'm a little unsure how to begin this year, even though we are already 17 days into it.  As the holidays commenced and the new year arrived, I felt a deepening  sadness in my heart.  Last year, 2011 was the last I had with my momma.  For some reason the actual mark of the year changing seemed so poignant... 2012 will be a year she never saw.  Every new happening makes me want to invite her back into my world to share with her.  She was after all the best person to share news with.  The enthusiasm she carried was boundless, even when she was so sick, more sick than I ever have really shared here, or with anyone.  She had something positive to say in every situation.  I have a dozen or more saved voicemails on my phone, that I revisit when I long for her voice.  I wish I saved some earlier ones as these you can tell how sick she really was feeling but they are still comforting and good for the release of a good cry.  Sometimes it helps to get all the yuck out and start fresh, right?  

I've been a little quieter these days, a little cocooned, if you will.  I am still sifting through the emotions of all that has happened.  I feel my heart growing and opening even through the ouch moments.  I realize that we all carry these experiences around with us.   I am motivated to remember that, then treat the people beside me more gently.  And myself too.

I am so lucky that my mom wrote countless letters and notes to us since we were small.  I have them saved and I keep finding more, tucked into books, in jacket pockets, amongst old photos...they are gifts with unimagined value.  If only she knew the light she brought into this world.  Today, I am trying to feel her words deep in my bones and feel the love that surrounds me (and all of us) always.

My new years intentions are simple...
get more sleep (aren't we all nicer people when we are rested?),
wear more red (it makes me happy),
and have more fun (don't think about the mess, just embrace the moment, relax and enjoy).

In the short days before my mom passed she said to me, "You need to relax."  "And not just physically."  I will admit to being a little annoyed in the moment.  Thinking, "Mom, you are dying, how am I supposed to relax.  This is big stuff."  Whatever she meant by that, it was important for me to know.  I think she was referring to my perfectionist, people pleasing, helper heart.  I've always carried more worry around than necessary. 

I'm feeling those words speak to me every day.
And I'm listening and learning s-l-o-w-l-y, to breath & relax.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas 2011. Part 2.

Dinner at Urban Tavern, a kid friendly yet chic spot.

Chloe making faces at the other diners-my grandma taught her this. 

Chloe's first year, a beautiful album made by Grandma Karen. 

A wooden baby puzzle to match daddy's.

The camera's of Kevin's life...one is even his late grandfather's.

Getting styled out by Uncle Matt.

The night before Christmas.

Christmas morning.

In her Christmas pj's.

My cousin Morgan made her this adorable apron.

In her special dress from Gramsy.

Grandpa, that bow is perfect on you!

Teaching Kevin how to carve the bird.

I'll be honest we catered everything but the Kale from Whole Foods.  Shhh!

Beautiful Grandma.

 Like I said, they are all so amazing.  specially this little sleepy bloom.
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