It's been busy around here. I've had friends visiting for the last week, we had such a nice time while they were here. We love having company. I have a bunch of photos to share but as of late...I'm totally under the weather. Nothing big, a cold, no voice and achy all over but it is a pain. So I'm taking it easy until I recoup. Little miss and the Mr. are on a walk so I can sit down and veg before bedtime. They had dinner already, I just don't have much of an appetite.
I tried (no dice) to capture a photo of our little one's newest milestone...2 teeth and one on the way. Yep, it happened and all in a matter of 2 weeks. They were sleepless for everyone. Those two little teeth are quite cute. To my delightful surprise, someone loves brushing her teeth; so much that when I stop, she throws a tantrum. It's pretty funny to see her run down the hall when we say, "Time to brush your teeth!" I'm thrilled.
Days have been mellow around here. Watching way more cartoons than we approve of, as a means to get more rest. I haven't had a voice so reading out loud is out of the question. We flip through the pages and she points out her favorite characters. I smile and nod. We stack blocks. Eat lunch. Change scenes to another room to fold (in her case, throw) laundry, followed by diaper changes and more house work. I tell you it's a regular party around here.
The biggest excitement, aside from teeth and brushing of said teeth, have been lots of new words developing.
Our current favorites:
"Ohlala"- Olivia (her plush pink pig) and "bye bye, lo ou"- bye bye, I love you.
Kevin has been taking very good care of us and crossing lots of "to do's" off the list of fix-it projects I have for him. He's taken over the domestic care quite well while I lay low.
I hope your week is shaping up to be more exciting than ours.