Friday, April 25, 2014

Easter brunch. (photo overload)

We had our families over for a potluck brunch to celebrate Easter and spring all together.  It was so fun to be together and give thanks.  The kids hunted for eggs, we celebrated our dear cousin Teal's 12th birthday and the girls were loved on all day long.  We all crashed at the end of the day and are just now, a week later recouping.  But it was so fun and we love having space to host in our new home.  We are nearing one year at the start of June.  It's really hard to believe it's been a year.  And at the same time it really feels like home.  We hope you all had a Happy Easter and shared the day with those you love.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

What a fun, family-filled holiday! The girls are adorbs in their matching outfits... And you have a perfect party-ready home, Lisa! Doesn't it make a world of difference when you have the room to fit lots of people?! It's life-changing.

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