Yesterday our tiniest turned ONE. And over the last year we've been learning about life with two. And I've decided that there isn't a way to balance it all, but you just do the best you can. Then when you make mistakes you dust yourself off and try the best you can, again. It's been a beautiful, challenging, learning, heart-opening, sleepless and giggle-inducing year.
I've been away from my blog mostly because I haven't worked out my timing to get everyone napping at the same time. Or when they are I'm hustling around the house to tidy up or sitting down with a glass of wine once everyone is in bed. But, I tell you, babies, I love them. It's pretty heartbreaking that the newborn stage is over, we officially as of August 1st have a walker. And as of today, she is climbing everything. Let's just say she's been keeping me on my toes.
Our Remy Mae, you have such a sweet nature and calm presence. Your once chocolate colored hair is now light, long and wispy. Your puckered lips are beginning to make the funniest expressions as you learn new sounds. Your favorite place to be is in my arms. While from time to time, it's worn me out; but I can't tell you how sweet it is to feel so utterly loved by you.
You think your big sister is the funniest person around and you enjoy having her entertain you with her exuberance. It's so fun to watch your sister relationship develop and I was so proud today as Chloe called you her best friend. If there is anything I know about sisterhood, it is that the bond is so deep. (For the record, brothers are pretty great ,too.) You are showing so much affection toward daddy as the months go on. You crawl across the house and squeal with delight when he comes home at the end of the day and you are so happy when he dances with you in the kitchen. And if anyone can get you to eat your veggies it's daddy. He knows all the funny sounds and silly faces that get you interested in exactly what we've dished up for dinner.
You've gone from a sleepy newborn to a curious toddler and frankly, the cliche is true, I'm not quite sure where the time went. But, I'm making a vow: to slow down, savor the moments and to not think too much and simply embrace life as it unfolds. (And to blog more.)
It's a joy to be your Mama and a gift to call you my daughter.
If we could only bottle these moments and take them out the night our girls drive off to college. Or get married. Or have girls of their own. My heart swells with love and then breaks into a million pieces on a daily basis.
Remy is so perfectly adorable! She looks very serene and easy-going in all her pics - reflective of her personality it seems! I can't even imagine what it's like juggling two! One is chaotic enough :)
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