Sunday, July 10, 2011

And a few weeks back...

...we celebrated 4 years of marriage.  Totally not a blogging after thought, I just hadn't uploaded our celebration picture.  A picture-less post, so boring.  We've been side-by-side through some roller coaster life challenges and joys together.  It shows me everyday that marrying my best friend was the best choice I ever made.  Seeing him as a father only reaffirms that.  Having him in my life, makes each day feel extraordinary.

During our anniversary day I thought back to the year before.  We celebrated our anniversary on Thursday the 24th and realized it would be our last one as a twosome.  It was fun to imagine how life would change in a few short months.  On Friday the 25th last year, we received Kevin's, scary, never-wanna-hear, "you have cancer" diagnosis.  I can still feel the moment: us holding clammy hands in the doctors office. Our eyes welled up with tears and we both looked down at my watermelon sized pregnant belly.  (I remember feeling our babe kick extra hard throughout our appointment.  It was like she was saying, "Hey, I'm here!  It's gonna be okay.") Then Kevin's operation was 3 days later, followed by months of blood draws, injections, and Chemotherapy.  Not to mention both both our parents having cancer treatments and surgeries at the same time.  To think back it still feels surreal.

We talked this weekend about how much changed in our lives during those months of treatment.  The months we spent together right before Chloe was born were so challenging both physically and emotionally.  But they bonded us in ways we hadn't imagined.

We have so many reasons to celebrate this year.  For better or worse, in sickness and in health, we have each other to have and to hold.  Cheers to love and health!
On our way to dinner at Tantalum.  Yum!

On the 4th.

We celebrated the 4th of July in a super mellow fashion this year.  We walked to our favorite local bagel shop the Sit and Stay Cafe for breakfast.  Then enjoyed the end of the parade, picked up some new Havaiana sandals for upcoming vacation, lunch at home, bubbles on the balcony and hanging around the house.  After Chloe was asleep, Kevin and I watched the fireworks from our front steps.  Like I said, super mellow.

We discovered our little lady standing in her crib at the end of her nap.  We had a good laugh at her pleased expression and promptly lowered it to the lowest level.  We realize daily how many things are now within her reach.  And like all little ones, every thing is inciting.

We hope you all had a Happy 4th of July.

Not so sure about the parade.

Kevin teaching Clo a thing or two on the computer.

It was hot out.  Playing with bubbles and water.  So fun!

Check me out!

What we have been up to.

Here is a little glimpse of what we've been up to. 
Lazy yet busy, summer days around here.  Our bloom is exploring a lot and showing so much personality.  It's so fun to be with her.  She is all love and sparkle.  With a few rough patches here and there, to keep me on my toes.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not yo mama's banana pudding.

Our friend Rori surprised us with this delicious treat shortly after our daughter was born.  It is cool, smooth and just the right amount of fluffy with a bit of cookie crumble.  I asked for the recipe so we could enjoy it again.  It is almost sinfully simple to make.

We indulged a little this 4th of July at home.

Here is what you'll need:
1 pkg cream cheese
1 container Cool Whip
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 large box vanilla pudding mix
4 bananas sliced
2 bags Pepperidge Farm Chessmen cookies

 1. Prepare pudding mix as directed on package.
2. In a separate bowl, with electric mixer:
       - whip cream cheese
       - add condensed milk
       - mix in pudding
       - fold in Cool Whip
3. In dish layer as follows:

Chill & enjoy!
We may or may not have had seconds. wink.
P.S. This treat is not short on calories.  I'm already thinking of ways to slim it down, so we an enjoy it more than once a year.

Gramsy's Birthday!

Always the firecracker, it's not surprising that my mom was born one day shy of Independence Day.  Sunday we got the family together to celebrate such a special occasion.  Peter made up some amazing Panini sandwhiches and everyone brought something delicious (and beautiful) to share.   As you can imagine, our little bloom was not short on attention.  I wish I snapped a few more group shots as almost the whole family was there.  Here are some of the highlights.

Happy Birthday Mom!
We know this year will have it's challenges but we how it comes with more joy than you've imagined.  You are so resilient and courageous.  We love you so much and are always by your side.
One glowing Grandma.


Make a wish Mama.

Biggy, the one-eyed wonder.

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