During our anniversary day I thought back to the year before. We celebrated our anniversary on Thursday the 24th and realized it would be our last one as a twosome. It was fun to imagine how life would change in a few short months. On Friday the 25th last year, we received Kevin's, scary, never-wanna-hear, "you have cancer" diagnosis. I can still feel the moment: us holding clammy hands in the doctors office. Our eyes welled up with tears and we both looked down at my watermelon sized pregnant belly. (I remember feeling our babe kick extra hard throughout our appointment. It was like she was saying, "Hey, I'm here! It's gonna be okay.") Then Kevin's operation was 3 days later, followed by months of blood draws, injections, and Chemotherapy. Not to mention both both our parents having cancer treatments and surgeries at the same time. To think back it still feels surreal.
We talked this weekend about how much changed in our lives during those months of treatment. The months we spent together right before Chloe was born were so challenging both physically and emotionally. But they bonded us in ways we hadn't imagined.
We have so many reasons to celebrate this year. For better or worse, in sickness and in health, we have each other to have and to hold. Cheers to love and health!
On our way to dinner at Tantalum. Yum! |