well, here we are on treatment day one, week one. about a month ago, after visiting a few different doctors for an abnormality, kevin was diagnosed with
testicular cancer to be truly honest, we were shocked!
we were told of the diagnosis on friday and surgery was scheduled for monday morning. we barely had time to think. which was probably good.
after the pathology results were in it was recommended that he begin the treatment process as soon as possible. the prognosis was good but needed maintenance. so treatments are between 4-6 hours a day for 5 days this week. he will have 2 short (2 hour) treatments the 2 following weeks then repeat the cycle.
the timing couldn't be more crazy. treatment schedule ends on 09/07, baby is due 09/09...wow! hopefully she decides to arrive a wee bit "late". although, i feel ready to pop daily (see picture). the chemo nurses are super nice and are even giving us a private room so we can relax and so i can stay healthy before baby comes.
the silver lining is after today (day 3) he is feeling alright. he is resting as much as possible but has felt few side effects.
he is quite a trooper. we are lucky to get the time he is on disability from work to be together. we've made little plans to do anything other than short walks, midwife appointments/ baby classes and recouping. thank goodness for netflix! and kevin's parents who came to visit the last two days and gave us the
royal treatment and spoiled us rotten. we love you guys! and we'll have leftovers all week now, after kevin's boss generously brought dinner by tonight.
my mom is still recovering quite well as she has spent the last 9 days in sharp memorial recovery center and is getting 3 hours of physical therapy every day. we are sad to have not been able to visit her there yet,
perhaps next week? she is making great strides (literally) she walked 100 feet the other day one foot in front of the other...
way to go mom! and got her staples out yesterday. we will know more about the next steps once she meets with the neurologist. in the meantime
we are thrilled by her daily triumphs. i can't get enough of our daily chats. we usually visit in person every week so, i really miss her!