this may just be the year for weddings for us. we've already attended two (and missed one, boo) and have three more coming up this fall. we are so happy for all of our friends and feel so blessed to share in such a special occasion.
since our wedding in the spring of 2007, i've only come to appreciate weddings more and more each time. and what is even better, is i come to appreciate and love kevin all the more too. love really is in the air.
congratulations to the kauffmans, gardeas and loos!
we love you guys. aren't they all so gorgeous?
i can't take credit for any of the photography, these are from their photographers... i was captured by these special moments.
i think tissues ought to be required when watching this video. travis wall's choreography is incredible. combine it with these dancers and coldplay's raw lyrics, it is really touching.
by coldplay
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down on your face
And on your face I...
Tears stream down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down on your face
And on your face I...
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
thursday morning we met my family in san diego for my mom's surgery. the day was filled with mixed emotions. we felt positive about the removal of the tumor but also nervous for her as she would undergo a partially awake surgery. she would be asked to perform certain small tasks during the procedure to help ensure only tumor and damaged brain tissue was removed. the outcome of this particular type of surgery is highly successful but she was amazingly brave in proceeding in this venture.
surgery was scheduled for 6+ hours. to our surprise the surgeon, dr. bob carterreturned in 3 hours. before we had a chance to panic, he assured us everything went well and that she was already in recovery. we were so relieved to hear she was done and resting. the surgeon said she did remarkably well (of course), nothing seems to keep her down. they removed the tumor, sent it in several sections to pathology for further review.
we were surprised to see how alert she was following surgery and is already is showing improvement in the use of her right hand. following surgery she couldn't move it at all, today she was able to lift her entire arm to her face. this is to be expected as the brain can go into a shock-like hibernation when it is "messed with". she is progressing in leaps and bounds! soon she'll be transferred to rehabilitation center while she gains more strength as her body adjusts.
with 30+ staples holding her incision together, it is understandable to hear she has a headache. and pretty humorous to hear her say. i can only imagine this type of "ache". she said it is a great relief to have the tumor removed; we agree.
we are so proud of you mom. and thrilled by how vivacious you are following such a huge undertaking. we foresee full recovery! that is our new mantra.
words can't describe how much i love this woman. her kind heart, silly demeanor and love for everyone around her. she truly is a bright light.
all she has endured these last 6+ years through cancer surgery, treatment, recovery and back again is truly astounding.
this thursday will be another one of those days. we ask for your positive thoughts and prayers as she undergoes brain surgery to remove that pesky remaining tumor and any damaged tissue from her surgery last year. it will be a long day as we patiently await the news of success. she is so brave as she takes on each new hurdle with so much grace.
she will be treated at the thornton cancer center at university of california, san diego. her medical team there is one of the best and her neurosurgeon dr. bob carter is the most sought after. we are blessed to know that she is in capable hands and surrounded by all your love.
okay, i had to share with you the amazing-ness of this chocolate treat. trader joe's you can do no wrong. acai, pomegranate, blueberry, cranberry, and elderberry covered in creamy dark chocolate. they are packed with vitamin c and antioxidants...who could feel guilt in that? all i know is dark chocolate covered powerberries are now a staple around here.
what started out as a pretty boring white room, transformed into a happy, zesty little nest for our little one.
kevin was a very patient and calculated about the measuring, i just painted away. it's a good thing i have an engineer in my life.
we are looking forward to adding artwork and accessories in the weeks to come. we'll post more once it's complete. these stripes remind me of fresh squeezed lemonade (my pregnancy craving). yum!
with the number of shoes this girl has collected so far, i'm starting to wonder if we chose the wrong name. *imelda marcos would be proud.
* imelda was the wife of a former philippine president and is known to have aqcuired over 3,000 pairs of shoes in her lifetime. my mom has always teased me that i'll have a collection like her one day.
my sister, aunt and cousins hosted a truly gorgeous baby shower in my honor. i felt so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful ladies and to feel the love and excitement they felt about our soon-to-arrive little lady. here are a few images from the afternoon. select the baby blessings tab for more.
we got the call that the nursery furniture we ordered has arrived. so we begged a few friends (they kindly obliged) to help us collect it and carry it up our steep steps. the dresser/changer is fully assembled whew, the crib needs assembly...nothing that can't be accomplished with over some delicious take-out and cold beverages, right?
so the decision on our hands is which paint color to pick. our inspiration is the the seaside umbrellas of the french riviera. you know, sunny and cheerful. our dilemma, whether to paint the stripes vertically (kevin's idea) or horizontally (mine). anyone have have a suggestion?
Bicycle YelloworCanary Song? i already think i'm digging the first of the two.
i am loving this amazing felt wall globe from the design momblog. yep, i'm already getting started on reading my mommy blog's. can't hurt can it? fun craft ideas for the future and ideas for the nursery. and lots of good tips for this rookie. thought you might enjoy this piece of wall art too. it sure is stirring up my travel bug.
i have officially hit the 8 month marker! we are now counting down the weeks until our little lady arrives. i have loved being pregnant. i have always wanted to be a mom...and now I am! feeling her move and hearing her heartbeat is definitely a highlight for me.
but i have to admit to feeling more of the discomfort as my belly reaches peak size. can it really get any bigger? sleeping is getting rather rough and i am starting to feel the "i can't wait to not be pregnant" itch. and may i say, "i can't wait to meet her" itch!
in the meantime we've been... sleeping a lot, taking uber long showers while i can, organizing the house somewhat successfully, assembling baby swings, strollers and washing all the layette.
kevin and i attended the breastfeeding seminar and birth details course at our awesome birthing center, south coast midwifery. next sunday we begin the series of our first birthing class. i'm so curious to know what our birth experience will be like; i think it's really exciting.
this father's day, we celebrated our 3 dads. you three are so special to us. we love you! and i celebrated one very special father-to-be. you are such a loving husband. i look forward to learning how to parent right beside you. i love you kevin!
i recently entered my name in a drawing for a nursery set from one of my favorite home decor designers, Serena & Lily. to my delight, yesterday while sitting in the doctor's office waiting room, i realized...we won!
i am so excited for the set to arrive. it will be nice to have a second set to mix and match with the gorgeous bedding my mom and aunt got us. here is a sneak peek!
let's just say we feel utterly spoiled. so cute! thank you serena & lily.
I blog about my little family, mostly about our darling bloom. And about other things that make me happy. I embrace the creative, the honest, the quirky and the loveliness of life.